Ultra-efficient looped propeller gets contra-rotating double upgrade

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The same principle applies to boat propellers, where the tip vortices are even more pronounced and can lead to cavitation, when water is momentarily vapourised by the sudden change in pressure creating bubbles. As for Sebastian’s real job, the Lincoln Lab has already flown a small model plane that generates an “ionic wind” for propulsion. “This has potentially opened new and unexplored possibilities for aircraft which are quieter, mechanically simpler, and do not emit combustion emissions,” spokesman Steven Barrett said. Again, drones will likely be the first application for the new power source but Barrett foresees hybrid designs that could create more fuel-efficient airliners and cargo planes. Vastly reducing the amount of fluid that "slips" out the sides of a propeller rather than being pushed through, the Sharrow props suck more water through, and advance a boat further, per turn.

The Best Way to Measure for a New Inboard Propeller Shaft

The traditional method of selecting a propeller takes the horsepower, boat weight, and hull type into account. Then the pitch and diameter are selected that allow the engine to run at the top end of the RPM range. Although propeller theory is straightforward, there are a few variables behind what makes it spin. Our passion for perfection is what drives us to design and manufacture performance propellers to the highest quality standards.

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Real, 3D props, that consumers can see, touch and feel, stand out like never before. Barletta Content Manager, 9+ years Manufacturer Marketing, Brand Management, Customer Experience, and life-long boater. To trim the engine simply means moving the engine up and down by using the trim function typically found on the throttle. Many marine creatures rely on sound to communicate, navigate, find food, or avoid predators. The team has patented the design, and while it's not clear whether there are plans to commercialize it, MIT appears to be prepared to license it to interested manufacturers.

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Sharrow's props simply don't create tip vortices – a major source of energy loss and a surprisingly large component in the overall noise of an outboard engine. Improving fuel efficiency is considered as one of the most effective ways to reduce a vessel’s operating costs and fuel consumption. The new Wärtsilä propeller design is considered an energy-saving technology reducing also emissions and improving CII rating. He said they haven’t spent much time optimizing the design but it shows promise, particularly for eVTOLs and drones.

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And today, our custom props can now be found within every Walmart™ in North America. That's what the custom prop experts at DesignTown USA™ can do for your next nationwide, retail product promotion. Sharrow said his loop-based boat propellers are about 20 decibels softer than traditional propellers because both tip vortices and cavitation are "eliminated or significantly reduced." It's unclear at this stage whether designs like this might be relevant at a larger scale, replacing traditional propellers on fixed-wing aircraft, or indeed on electric VTOL air taxis. The latter already appear to be significantly quieter than helicopters, but if they end up flooding the urban airspace with fast, cheap, green aerial transport, every decibel of noise will count when it comes to public and regulatory resistance.

Significant Speed Increase at Mid-Range RPMs

Quieter propellers are just one part of an impending reckoning for the shipping industry. Sharrow began selling propellers to recreational boaters in 2020 through a company he founded called Sharrow Marine. But to determine the noise reduction for ocean life, Halpern said that it's crucial to measure the frequencies, in hertz, of the propeller noise.

new boat prop design

MIT lincoln laboratory’s winning rotor design for drones

Propellers are designed to take a fluid, generally air or water, and use a rotating motion to push that fluid through. They're evolutions, in a sense, from the Archimedes' screw, which was likely used in ancient Egypt thousands of years before it was described by Archimedes in 234 BCE. It has dramatically changed and improved the overall profile of my boat.

Researcher Dr. Tom Sebastian told New Atlas the prop design was inspired by some obscure “ring wing” aircraft prototyped in the early 20th century. He’s not even sure why they work but theorized their odd shape greatly reduces the noise-creating vortices that come off the tips of regular props. Though loop propellers aren't widely used for commercial shipping vessels — the main culprits of underwater noise from propellers — they could one day replace those ships' noisy screw propellers or traditional blade propellers.

Marine animals can hear a much wider range of frequencies than humans can. "I think this gives people another dimension to explore in propeller design," Sebastian said. It's the constant hum of all the cargo, cruise, and charter ships crisscrossing the ocean and trailing the coasts. Their noise is growing more thunderous each year as their propellers blare into the ocean void. "Propellers, as we know, are pretty loud," says Dr. Thomas Sebastian, a senior staff member in the Lincoln Lab's Structural and Thermal-Fluids Engineering Group.

The new props were a side project to their real job creating an entirely new form of silent aircraft propulsion using an ion drive. That's why engineers like Tommy Sebastian, a senior staffer at MIT Lincoln Laboratory, are tinkering with unconventional propeller shapes. New loop-based models are designed to not only reduce noise pollution and help protect marine life but also increase energy efficiency — a win-win-win for the oceans, the climate, and the shipping industry. The result is an incredible reduction in noise, reaching a frequency of 1-5Hz, making the drone’s flying motion sound like a distant woosh rather than a nagging buzz. And the reason behind that is the unusual twisting design that spreads vortices.

It also works remarkably well for marine propulsion, and there are already commercially available toroidal boat props on the market that boost power, flatten out the acceleration pitch of boats and markedly reduce noise. First devised by Archimedes in 200 BC, propellers are mechanical devices composed of several blades that rotate at high speed to enable an aircraft or water vehicle to move across a distance. A radical new toroidal boat propeller is being touted as the single biggest advance in propeller design since the 1930s. Claimed to deliver significant fuel savings across all different types and sizes of craft as well as faster planing, higher top speeds, superior handling and reduced vibration, it sounds almost too good to be true. Researchers at MIT have done some tinkering and may have revolutionized propeller design. Almost on a scientific whim, a team at the Lincoln Laboratory whipped up a few batches of “toroidal” propellers for a drone on a 3D printer and discovered they were not only much quieter than the OEM props but they put out more thrust at the same power level.

That said, they do tend to flex, which can hinder the boat’s performance and speed. Propellers can make such an impact on performance that your neighbor could have the exact same boat and engine, but if the prop is different, the two boats could yield different results. Let’s first breakdown how a boat propeller functions to better understand why it’s important to choose the right one for your boat. The testers also report on more subjective tests such as cornering and low-speed handling, at which all of them also indicated improvement over conventional propellers.

Reducing underwater noise could go hand in hand with that transformation. Sharrow hopes to expand into the shipping industry as his company scales up manufacturing. "A ship traveling from Tokyo to Shanghai is going to have direct sound impacts in that area but could potentially send noise all the way across the ocean to Los Angeles," Ben Halpern, a marine ecologist at the University of California, Santa Barbara, told Insider.


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